Pets At Peace – Pet Loss and Memorial Services
Helen, the owner and operator of Pets At Peace, found herself in a situation all too often experienced by many business owners. She had very specific content management requirements. Having gone with WordPress caused many issues with poorly coded plugins and customized theme which were not designed to properly service Pets At Peace clients. This resulted in unexpected issues and frustrations. To top it off, the Web developer who built the site suddenly disappeared. So the site was scrapped and Pets At Peace moved all their content to a SaaS (Software as a Service) that was specifically built for funeral homes. However, funeral homes’ needs are not totally aligned with those of pet memorial services. The new site had many more features and auto-generated pages that were completely unnecessary and that could not be turned off. Not to mention, the front-end design and back-end interface were outdated and slow.
So Helen turned to TCK Media to build a website that would address Pets At Peace needs and be clean in design and easy to navigate. It was perfect timing as we were building an in-house SaaS, code-named “Xengage”. Using the framework of that platform we created a clean website and custom functionality for online memorial submissions by clients. At the same time, TCK Media also conserved the SEO ranking that Pets At Peace website gained over the years (in the number of incarnations). Additionally, changes to content and new pages can easily be created using TCK Media’s custom CMS.